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The role of women has evolved over the years in the society. From joining the corporate as well as the government sector and holding key positions, there is no field as such in which the women counterparts have not proved. Same is the case as to being entrepreneurs, which comes with a lot of challenges when a women decides to be one. The first and foremost being her role in the household whether she is a daughter, mother, wife or a sister. Be it any role but her responsibilities towards managing the family are a hindrance in her professional career. The answer to all those challenges lies in the art of multitasking and that even quite an effective one. As Malawi is ranked 143 out of the 144 countries in the Global Gender Gap report for 2016 due to the lack of equal opportunities for women and inadequate opportunities for women. it is against this background that Our enterprise has prioritized women to get involved in the project so that they can be financially dependent and on the other hand eradicating gender inequalities.

Women empoerment program session underway in mzimba district traditional authority Mabilabo.

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